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I'm Kerstin

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I'm here to help mothers reconnect to their infinite potential for energy, joy and regulation.

I know how it feels to be overwhelmed and not able to show up as the parent you want to be for your children.

I've been there.

Finding myself in survival mode, constantly activated and challenged in regulating my emotions.

I realized that my state and behavior was directly influencing my daughter and her development

and I knew something had to change now.

Unless I heal my nervous system and learn to regulate myself I won’t be able to show up for my daughter

the way I want to.


I started to explore different practices and found the breath.

After countless conscious inhales and exhales I realized I was becoming a different person.


I found myself being much less activated and able to bounce back with more ease when emotions still ran high.

Letting go of the small things and seeing the big picture became easy

and I was able to create a completely different level of calm in our home.


I knew this was something other moms needed.

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