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Group Breathwork Sessions

Group session July 22 (1).png

Free Group Breathwork to feel & release

Thursday, 14th July 2022, 9am JST

(10am Sydney, 8am Singapore, 13th July at 8pm New York, 13th July at 5pm LA)

Join me for an active breathing meditation using the conscious connected breath to facilitate emotional releases. This will allow your nervous system to complete stress cycles and return back to balance, so that you can feel greater inner safety and connection. 

Breathe your way towards the mom that you want to be

for your children. 

New course coming soon:

Getting started with Breathwork and Nervous system regulation

When working with the nervous system and our breath we can and want to come in contact with

the stressors and traumas that are stored in our bodies. In order to integrate those experiences properly we

need to build a solid and stable foundation first. That's why all work that I do is always anchored in a feeling

of safety for the client as well as spending time to build capacity in their system before we start to

work with anything more activating. 

That's why I have decided to create a self-study course for my clients and everyone that wants to explore

healing on a cellular level. This course will prepare you for the deeper work and help you bring more energy and emotional regulation on bord so that you have a stable foundation from where we can explore what lies deeper.  

By signing up to the waitlist you will be one of the first to know about the launch, early bird prices

and additional bonuses. 

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